If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please email us at or call 352-465-8254.
Please note:
- Once plants are gathered, an invoice will be emailed. Shipping charges and items available may vary from what the order form estimated. Once payment is recieved, plants will be shippped and a tracking number emailed. Some plants may take up to six weeks to prepare.
- We do not collect credit card information--all credit payments are processed through PayPal. Other payment arrangements can be made via phone or email.
- Back orders are not processed--customers will be emailed if there are out of stock items or other questions/changes.
Minimum order of $20. Shipping rates now vary from $12 to $35 and up depending on the order. The shipping cost shown on the order form is an estimate only; the actual rate will be shown on the Paypal invoice after processing.
All orders are shipped via USPS, typically US Priority Mail. We can only ship to the USA and its territories (PR/VI, etc).
Orders within FL must be billed 6% state and local sales tax.
Orders to Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Canada add 20% to your total.
If there is no notation in the description of the plant as to the size of the plant the plant will be for a 2-3 inch pot size. At times you will get a larger plant so consider this a bonus. At other times you will receive a smaller plant (very rarely) and you will be compensated by another plant on your order being oversized. There are also a few plants that are miniature in nature and that are sent as small plants. Generally these plants have a notation as to their size in the plant description.
Please read this carefully. On the order form there is clearly a place to choose if you wish not to accept substitutions. If you do state to accept substitutions you will always receive a larger, and at times more than one plant to replace the one that is being substituted. IF YOU DO NOT CLEARLY MARK THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT SUBSTITUTIONS IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT IT IS OK TO SUBSTITUTE. (I am not a mind reader!)
When plants are not available, we can still substitute a "grower's assortment."
Not all plants are available rooted; we sell unrooted cuttings wholesale and sell rotted cuttings retail and wholesale.
Payment must accompany all orders and plants cannot be held without payment. After an order has been placed, we will send a invoice through Paypal when the order has been prepared. All payments are now processed through Paypal. Upon receipt of payment, the order will ship within three days. An email confirmation will be sent when the order ships.
We try to send the orders out as quickly as possible but at times the wait can be up to 6-8 weeks, at times it could be even longer, especialy in the winter or some special plants that are grown to order. Many orders are sent within a few weeks such as those for unrooted cuttings. Please be aware of this. I would like to get orders out faster but since I personally choose each plant for every order I get backed up quickly. Most all my customers are aware of this and thankfully they are patient. Orders can be mailed to Bob Smoley's Gardenworld, 3720 SW 183rd Ter., Dunnellon, FL 34432. You can also fax your order 24 hours a day to 352-465-8254 or E-mail it to At last you can call your order in to 352-465-4032 any time of the day or night but expect to get an answering machine at times. Calls will be returned as soon as possible.
I ship year round but there might be some wait during cold weather for a warm spell to arrive. PLEASE BE PATIENT I ship only US Priority Mail that takes from 2-4 days. Most of the time orders are sent out within three weeks of receiving payment. In very busy times (spring and summer) it can take as long as 6-8 weeks for the plants to be shipped. I do most everything myself and get bogged down at times so please be patient. Most plants are shipped bare root with exception to some rare or expensive plants, they will be shipped in their pots. Plants over four-inch pot size are never shipped in their pots. Some other plants such as Sansevierias are not shipped in their pots. If you desire your plants to be sent in their pots I do offer this service at a cost of $1.00 per plant in addition to the usual shipping charges.
Unfortunately, we are not set up to offer tours at this time. We ship orders via mail-order/e-commerce only.
After each of the plants listings, you will see a three letter code. This denotes the family the plant is a part of. Below is a list of these families for your reference.
ACA Acanthaceae
ADI Adiantaceae
AGA Agavaceae
AIZ Aizoaveae
ALO Aloaceae
AMA Amaryllidaceae
AMR Amaranthaceae
ANA Anacardiaceae
APO Apocynaceae
ARA Araceae
ARL Araliaceae
ASC Asclepiadaceae
ASP Aspleniaceae
BAL Balsaminaceae
BAS Basellaceae
BEG Begoniaceae
BOM Bombacaceae
BOR Biraginaceae
BRO Bromeliaceae
BUR Burseracea |
CAC Cactaceae
CAM Campanulaceae
CRC Caricaceae
CAR Caryophllaceae
CMM Commelinaceae
COM Compositae
CON Convolvulaceae
CRA Crassulaceae
CRU Cruciferae
CUC Cucurbitaceae
CYP Cyperacae
DAV Davalliaceae
DID Didiereaceae
DIO Dioscoraceae
DRO Droseraceae
ERI Ericaceae
EUP Euphorbiaceae
FOQ Foquieriaceae
GER Geraniaceae
GES Gesneriaceae |
GUT Guttiferae
GYR Gyrocarpaceae
ICA Icacinaceae
LAB Labiatae
LEG Legunimosae
LEM Lemaire
LEN Lentibulariaceae
LIL Liliaceae
MAL Malvaceae
MAR Marantaceae
MOR Moraceae
MUS Musaceae
MYR Myrsinaceae
NEP Nepenthaceae
OXA Oxalidaceae
PAP Papaveraceae
PAL Palmae
PAS Passifloraceae
PED Pedalaceae
PIP Piperaceae |
POL Polypodiaceae
PLM Polemoniaceae
PYL Polygonaceae
POR Portulacaceae
RAN Rananculaceae
RUB Rubiaceae
RUS Ruschoidae
RUT Rutaceae
SAP Sapindaceae
SAX Saxifragaceae
SEL Selaginellaceae
SCR Scrophulariaceae
SOL Solanaceae
VER Verbeniaceae
VIT Vitaceae
URT Urticaceae
WEL Welwitschiaceae
ZAM Zamiaceae
ZIN Zingiberaceae |