Societies - Join and get involved
The Haworthia Society – Formed in 1986 to promote interest in the cultivation and study of the genus and also includes the related genera of Aloe, Astroloba, Gasteria and Bulbine. The Haworthiad is the official journal of the society having interesting articles and a place for new species and cultivars to be published. The journal appears four times a year. Seed lists are issued twice a year. Subscription is $16.00 surface and $24.00 airmail. If you would like to join send payment to Burk’s Nursery, PO Box 1207, Benton, AR 72018 for subscription payment details.
The Sansevieria Society – Recently formed to bring together anyone interested in growing and studying the Sansevieria species and cultivars, and to promote interest in this fascinating genus. Members will receive the Sansevieria Journal three times a year. It contains much information about Sansevieria which would not otherwise be available to the collector. Articles vary from aspects of cultivation, to more detailed problems of plant identification and ecology. A seed bank is soon to be established along with a reference library of slides and written material about Sansevierias. Dues are $22.00 surface, $34.00 airmail for individuals and $26.00 surface, $38.00 airmail for institutions. To join send payment to Sue Haffner 3015 Timmy, Clovis, CA 93612.
The Asclepiad Society – Has been in existence since 1976 and brings together all interested in growing this large group of plants, centering interest around the succulents: Stapelia, Caralluma, Huernia and other Stapeliads, as well as Ceropegia, Hoya, etc. In keeping with the latest taxonomical ideas, the family Apocynaceae was added to the scope of the society recently (principally Adenium and Pachypodium). Members of the society will receive the journal Asclepios three times a year. It contains much valuable information that would otherwise not be available to the collector. Articles vary from aspects of cultivation, descriptions of plants in the wild and cultivation, to more detailed of identification and ecology. There is a slide bank of 1,300 slides of which members can obtain copies at a cost basis. There also is a annual seed list and much more. Dues are $24.00 surface and $36.00 airmail. To join send payment to Sue Haffner, 3015 Timmy, Clovis, CA 93612.
Website maintained by Thomas R.Winn
Copyright © 1996-2011 Bob Smoley's Gardenworld